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The Beauty Essentials Cottage

Updated: Nov 21, 2018

Welcome to Beauty Essentials!

Owning and running my own Beauty Boutique has been a dream of mine since I started in this industry and recently have had the opportunity to create the cutest cottage in Hawkes Bay! Check out the build below and cant wait for you to experience the Beauty Essentials experience.

The finished product! couldn't be happier, its perfect!

The Beginning

In July 2017 my Partner and I bought our first house with the intention of building my dream room out the front. After months of searching and viewing, we found the perfect place. Unfortunately for my Partner (and incredible Dads) it was a kit set that needed painting, lining etc but I wanted something that I could make my own. I can proudly say that it was worth it.

Laying the foundations:

Me and Hugo standing in the new space!


The Build

Its these times that you truly appreciate having amazing family, all the Dads chipped in with a lot of work and I cant thank them enough, the room looks amazing and it couldn't have been done without them.

When the materials all arrived we were full of optimism and positive that we would have this all done within the month, how hard can it be??.HA! make that 3! There were many days painting, sanding, digging and so on (we even painted the fence out front) and weather, work and juggling a family, not to mention having to upgrade the meter in our house to run power out there! all meant that any spare time we had was now taken up in this project.

I absolutely underestimated the amount of work and time that is required for a new build like this and it felt like it was never ending and was never going to finish. Its the little things that take most of the time but what a great experience this has been. I know Jason has a new found sense of "DIY" and is probably planning the next big projects in his head, but for now, Its time to relax, enjoy the summer ahead and take in this beautiful little cottage that we can proudly say that there is none out there like it.

A huge thank you to all our family who took time away from their own lives to help out and a special thanks to you Poppa, whom without him, this could not have been possible.

I look forward to seeing you all in my new room and hope you all love it as much I we do.

Again, welcome to Beauty Essentials.

Sian Robertson

The End

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